Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Square One, Part 3,620

One of these days I'll learn I can't take months off at my age. Until then, I'll be content to:

• Crap out on the bike after an hour or so, though doing climbing drills and yanking my rear axle out of the trainer doesn't help matters.

• Barely get three miles done on the treadmill at 8:34 per mile, when a year ago I was knocking down 3 miles at 7:27 pace. Granted, last year I had a bit of a head start with marathon training but it's still tough to know how far behind my pace I am.

• Destroy my elbow ligaments in a 1,900-yard swim workout. Serves me right for really neglecting my swimming during a six-week holiday hiatus. I returned to the masters team tonight and it kicked my ass. I'm supposed to ride the bike again tomorrow but I feel like I need to get two swims in this week no matter what. And if I swim I won't get home until nearly 8 and I damn sure won't feel like waiting another hour for dinner to be ready. Decisions, decisions.

The next decision I make will be writing a training plan that involves no time off after my "A" races in the fall. This crap is ridiculous.


Tiffany said...

old man, you know better than to leave the house with your walker!

Luv 2 Run said...

And I quote "I guarantee I'll run a 45-minute 10K in the spring, and a 1:30 half-marathon in the fall." - This is what you've just told me on msn today (27/Jan/10 at 1pm brazil time). Old man, you better make that promise happens or you have to buy yourself a walker (as Tiffany has mentioned on her comment to you) to help you out with your running pace. LOL Love you man! :o)